Types of Will

Whether you require basic or more complicated types of Wills and Trusts or are dealing with the estate of a loved one, we are here to help with a prompt, discreet and sympathetic service. Whilst we cannot remove from the process the emotions and feelings dealing with these issues inevitably create, we do our best to make sure matters proceed as smoothly as possible.

What Type of Will do you Require?

Simple Will - If you simply want to control who gets what from your estate after you have died, without tax planning, with a maximum number of beneficiaries of 4 then a Simple Will is an effective method of doing this.

Mirror Wills - Where you and your partner/spouse wish to have identical provisions in your Wills, then mirror Wills are the most effective way to achieve this.

Discretionary Trust Will - If you have assets, including your house, (and you need to calculate life policies and endowments) which are worth over £325,000 or wish to leave inheritances to a large number of beneficiaries, a discretionary trust Will is usually the best method for you to keep your assets within your family. This option includes a limited amount of tax planning.

Bespoke Tax Planning Advice and Will drafting service - For people with significant assets, land interests, interests in companies or a business, farms or have care of a disabled person, then we would recommend use of our bespoke tax planning advice and Will drafting service.

To discuss your Will call us on 01935 823883